How do I know Which Class is best for me?
How do I know which class is best for me?
All of Susan’s classes follow a similar format – start with breathing and focusing the mind, then move through a Sun Salutation and a series of postures to strengthen and stretch and finish with a guided deep relaxation (Yoga Nidra).
If you can get down onto the floor, then the Classical Yoga is likely good for you. If you prefer to not get on the floor, then the Chair Yoga is a good fit. Both classes are similar and do all the same standing postures with the chair class modifying some of the same Classical postures for a seated position. If you are looking for something more intense then you may want to try The 5 Tibetans. If your search is for stress relief and relaxation then look no further than the special Yoga Nidra with Reiki or Restorative Yoga with Reiki.
The Chair Yoga is not just for seniors who have mobility issues. Susan’s Chair Yoga class is a moderate effort kind of class. The Sun Salutation in the Chair Yoga is modified to be done completely standing. We do a lot of leg and core strengthening with standing postures, leg lifts and modified pike pose seated in a chair. A series of kundalini arm movements give the arms a good workout while also opening energy pathways. Stretching is also part of the class with forward bend, quad and inner thigh stretches plus arm, neck and finger stretching. Cat /cow, twist and crescent round out the full body routine. Emphasis is on mindfulness, observing with detachment and presence to increase consciousness of body, mind and tapping into your Higher Consciousness.
The Classical Yoga class begins with restorative positions to open the chest and arms and to align the spine/ posture. After 4 rounds of Sivananda Sun Salutation we move through a series of balancing/ standing asanas (postures), backbends, forward bends, inverted, resting and twist. A few other postures offer stretching of legs, core and arms and we finish with a Yoga Nidra and meditation to find peace. The series of postures can vary depending on the abilities of students in each class. Postures can range from beginner asanas to advanced versions. Emphasis is on mindfulness, observing with detachment and presence to increase consciousness of body, mind and tapping into your Higher Consciousness.
The 5 Tibetans is a series of yogic exercises designed to move rapidly in and out of a posture or between two postures up to 21 times. It is a more intense practice than the Classical Yoga and two of the Tibetans bear weight on the arms. If you have shoulder pain, you should not try the Tibetans. Great care is taken to ensure alignment is correct to protect joints while weight bearing. Most people cannot do the full 21 repetitions on their first or even second class. It is something to build to as you gain strength in the core, legs and arms. After performing the Tibetans we do a series of stretch postures and a Yoga Nidra practice.
All 3 of these classes are as challenging as you make them. The higher you lift the leg or the faster you move through the Tibetans, the more challenge you will experience. Need the posture to be a little easier or have body issues going on, then Susan will modify the posture for you to meet your personal needs.
All classes are great for beginners or seasoned yogis alike. You always listen to your own body and hold a posture as long as your body says it wants to and you challenge yourself according to your own needs and abilities.
In short, if you do not want to get down on the floor then the Chair Class is for you. If you want a regular on the floor class with a mix of strengthening and stretching postures, then the Classical Yoga is for you. If you want more intense, challenge in your practice then try the 5 Tibetans.
FREE Trial Class - Susan offers a free trial class so come out and try your first class for free. This applies to Classical, Chair, 5 Tibetans and Meditation classes only.
If you want to experience yoga passively and fully supported so you can relax into each position and let the body open on its own, then the Restorative Yoga is excellent for you. Susan will set you up into several positions completely supported by cushions and blocks and your body relaxes into each position for about 5-7 minutes. This class is offered once a month on the last Friday of each month and is combined with Reiki. It is a special 2 hour class. Divine.
Yoga Nidra with Reiki is another deep relaxation class. The hour is spent lying in savasana (corpse post), legs supported and the body covered in a cozy blanket. Susan guides you through a physical squeeze and release of the muscles to get the body to soften then into a guided meditation to soften the body and mind even more and slip into a state of deep inner peace. Each week the meditation can differ, some balancing the energies, some letting go of emotional and mental holding and filling with uplifting light, some finding your inner innate wisdom and peace. The effect is always the same: relaxation of body and mind like you’ve never experienced before, release and letting go of holding, uplifting your body, mind, energies, and destressing, resetting your whole being. This class is offered every Friday evening except the last Friday of each month. Special 1.25 hour class. Bliss.
Meditation Classes are open to beginners and seasoned meditators. Quiet the mind and experience the natural peace you have within you. Meditations are intuitively guided and we often delve into places within that touch our inner wisdom, connect with that deeper aspect of our Being, help to bring greater balance into our bodies, our energies, minds and more. Divine messages are received, aha moments of clarity arise, awakening us.
Check the website Classes page for detailed descriptions of all classes.
To learn more about Heather’s class or Laurie’s classes, contact them directly.